We are proud of our high standards, and the way we strive to maintain quality is by choosing to have all our dental prosthesis made here in Australia. By keeping all our lab-work (your teeth) in our shores we are not only assured a great product, but a great future.
All our prostheses are manufactured in Australia by local and interstate laboratories operating under strict standards from authorities like the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration.)
We do not use so-called “Australian” dental labs that actually subcontract the work overseas to countries with less stringent quality control in a bid to cut costs. Unfortunately some dental clinics do, and still not necessarily pass on those cost savings to the patient!
Australian-registered dental laboratories operate under tight regulations that serve to maintain a high standard of safety, infection control, fair working practices, qualified technicians and quality materials. These standards protect you from unscrupulous practices and substandard products that could negatively impact your health. More information about regulations and standards can be found here.
Cheaper dental imports from unregulated manufacturers cannot provide any of these guarantees.
If this is a product you want in your mouth for a very long time, it’s well worth the effort and cost to make sure it is done in an accredited laboratory. Choose Australian-made, we do.