(08) 9337 7388

Although twilight sedation used for sedation dentistry is clinically proven and very safe, it is nonetheless very important for you to follow these instructions carefully for you own safety.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have ANY questions. Your safety and wellbeing is of the utmost importance.

Before Your Appointment

  • DO NOT eat or drink 6 hours prior to your surgery. Your last meal should be a light meal.
  • If you are diabetic and taking Insulin, you will need a phone consultation with Dr Henry Chan prior to your appointment. You will be given a morning appointment.
  • Please organise someone to collect you from the surgery after your appointment, and to spend the subsequent 24 hours with you.

On the Day of Your Appointment

  • DO NOT wear tight fitting clothing. Wear comfortable and loose clothing and remove all jewellery around the neck and ears.
  • DO NOT wear nail polish.
  • DO NOT wear high heels or other unstable shoes as your reflexes may be slowed when walking.
  • DO NOT wear make-up as cosmetics can contaminate the surgical site.
  • If you are on prescription medication, you must know the names of your medicines. Please bring your medicines in their original packaging on the day of your appointment.
  • You should plan to spend a minimum of 2 hours in the clinic. A portion of that time will be spent recovering from the sedative (about 30 mins to 1 hour).

After Your Appointment

  • You MAY NOT leave the surgery alone. Please organise for an adult to collect you after your appointment. A pillow and blanket in the car on your way home is suggested for maximum comfort.
  • You WILL NOT be able to drive or operate machinery for at least 24 hours after your appointment.
  • Please organise for someone to be with you for 24 hours after your appointment – just in case you develop an unexpected reaction to the sedative.