(08) 9337 7388

Treatment Phase 1: Assessment and Planning

Consultation 1

  • Review your implant need and your overall general health.Begin treatment planning.

Consultation 2

  • Conduct detailed 3D scans of the implant site.Finalise treatment planning.

Treatment Phase 2: Surgery

Surgery Stage 1

  • Perform surgery to place the implant.When replacing a single tooth, a healing abutment is often installed at the same time.This “Single Stage Procedure” removes the need for Surgery Stage 2.
  • Healing time: about two months.

Surgery Stage 2

  • Perform surgery to install a healing abutment if this was not done in Surgery Stage 1.This is referred to as a “Two Stage Procedure.”
  • Healing time: about 4 weeks.

Treatment Phase 3: Prosthesis


  • The healing abutment is removed and an impression is taken of the implant site, so that the final prosthesis and its abutment can be made.
  • This takes about two weeks.


  • The final prosthesis and its abutment are installed.
  • The dental implant treatment is now complete.